Friday, December 20, 2013

A Long Walk Through Washington, DC

Early in November Nick and I went down to DC for a college friend's wedding, and since we don't get down there much we decided to make a long weekend of it. Since Nick went to school down there it was a bit of a homecoming for him, and for me, I got to do all the touristy things that DC has to offer. I had only been to DC twice before (once was in 6th grade) so I had a lot of catching up to do. I had an ambitious schedule planned and most of it depended on sunny weather, so needless to say I was disappointed when we woke up to pouring rain. Luckily, we did a little rescheduling, and the day turned out perfectly.

Outside the Newseum

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Littorai - Biodynamic Grape Farming

After a great morning at Scribe, we went west to Littorai, which is located in the coastal region of Sonoma Valley. Tucked away from the majority of other vineyards, it is a beautiful drive over to Littorai.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Commonwealth Cambridge - Nookie Postal's New Digs

This has been a pretty big year for chef Nookie Postal. Between Around the World in 80 Plates and opening two new restaurants in Cambridge, he has been a busy guy! Nick and I wanted to see a movie that was showing in Kendall Square, so while thinking about where to eat over there Nick noticed that Commonwealth had recently opened and made a reservation immediately. To be honest, other than knowing it was opening, I didn't know much else about Commonwealth. Color me shocked when we walked in and there was a bit of a fresh market and counter service in front! The restaurant aims to showcase local and seasonal food both in the traditional dining sense as well as a market.

Note about the photos - they are with my iPhone because I didn't have my camera, sorry they are sort of terrible
The amazing buttery pull-apart bread; this is worth the trip alone!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Scribe - Swinging in Sonoma (not THAT kind of swinging!)

Switching gears a bit, we are heading back to September when Nick and I were in California Wine Country. After a great first afternoon it was time to settle into the house we rented through Home Away, have some dinner, enjoy catching up with the two other couples we were traveling with and get ready for the rest of the vacation. A few months beforehand when planning for the trip we decided that each couple would be responsible for planning all the parts of an entire day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the wineries in between. This way our friends, who were members of various wine clubs in the area, could make sure to hit up their favorite spots as well as other places on their lists without us all tripping over each other in the planning process. Don't worry, we had a shared Google document to update each other on the plans so there was no overlap - I know you were concerned!

What's not to love about a swing!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Burger at the Abbey in Brookline

Working over in Brookline Village, I get to experience restaurants with my coworkers that Nick and I might not otherwise try. Recently we went to a Washington Square favorite - The Abbey. With a pub-like atmosphere and a diverse menu, its easy to see why this is a neighborhood go-to.

The Burger

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Turkey

When we decided to host Thanksgiving this year, we knew we would have to cook a turkey. Maybe because of its shear size or the fact it is the centerpiece of the holiday meal, the turkey can be an intimidating thing to cook! Growing up, my family used to pass an external turkey roaster around between the three families that hosted Thanksgiving, and while it may have been from 1950 and looked as though it could have easily started a fire at any moment, the turkey always came out well! While we do not have this same roaster today, in order to keep our small oven open for other dishes, Nick and I ordered a roaster online.

Stuffed Turkey!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pumpkin Seed Brittle - the Perfect Hostess Gift

In preparation of hosting our first Thanksgiving, Nick and I flipped through a bunch of magazines and blogs for inspiration. While we have our schedule and menu ready to go, a recipe for Pumpkin Seed Brittle from Bon Appetit caught my eye.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Dutch Apple Pie

In the beginning of October (can you believe how long ago that was?!) Nick, his sister and I headed to Smolak Farms to do some apple picking. While it was super crowded overall, we headed to the back of the orchard and hit the jackpot of cortland and macintosh apples. And, since I am a sucker for any type of souvenir, big or small, I upgraded from the apple bag to the big basket (not the easiest to carry through the orchard, but totally worth it). With a massive basket full of apples, pie was definitely in our future, along with a bunch of other delicious apple-based recipes.

Basket FULL of Apples
Dutch Apple Pie - it is basically as if apple crisp and an apple pie had a baby! This pie really allows for the apples to be the star and not to get lost between the pie crusts. We are a big apple crisp family, so needless to say this is the preferred pie for Nick and I.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Planning and Menu

This year is a bit different for Nick and I - rather than showing up with an appetizer or dessert at a family member's or friend's house for Thanksgiving, we are hosting for the first time! This won't be anything too crazy - only 9 of us total - but I think on Thanksgiving the standards are a bit higher. Not only is the gathering bigger than what we have done before, there are a lot more courses to tie together!

Source - hopefully mine comes out that well!

Monday, November 18, 2013

All Star Pizza Bar

A bit ago the genius' behind All Star Sandwich Bar decided to take advantage of some vacant space across the street and expand their creative flavor combinations with pizza, resulting All Star Pizza Bar! Nick used to frequent the sandwich bar back when he lived in Inman Square and had been dying to get over to try the pizza. One night recently the idea popped into our heads, so we decided to make an evening of it.

Dukes of Hazard Pizza!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

L'Andana - Fine Dining Just Outside Boston

Living in the city, Nick and I rarely head to the 'burbs for meals - I mean, we have so much right at our fingertips, and without a car its a slightly more cumbersome task. However for most people who live outside of the city, venturing in can be a bit of a time consuming headache. Enter L'Andana, which is located right off of Route 128 in Burlington. Growing up on the North Shore there were not many nice places to go out to eat that were not part of a nationwide chain. Whether there wasn't the market or restaurateurs did not want to take the risk, I am not sure. L'Andana, however, took the risk and it has seemingly paid off in spades.

The warm-up - yes that bread has been toasted with Parmesan cheese! This could have been its own appetizer!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kirkland Tap and Trotter

When word got out that Craigie on Main's owner was going to open a new restaurant, it's safe to say there was some excitement. Craigie is known for so many things including its burger and the wonderful tasting menu. Kirkland Tap and Trotter is a warm restaurant, and while you will find similar ingredients as you may see at Craigie, the food at Kirkland Tap and Trotter is more approachable but still executed perfectly.

We got to the restaurant on the later side on a Saturday - since it was only 3 weeks into opening, it was the only time we could get a reservation! The restaurant was definitely a bit crowded and we were prepared to wait, but the hostess asked us whether we would be interested in sitting at the equivalent of a chef's table, which we gladly agreed to. For the evening we had a perfect view of the salad and dessert station, as well as a clear view of the cooks line!

Monday, October 28, 2013

East Cambridge Rib Fest!

When I was invited back to judge the East Cambridge Business Association's "Smoke This" Rib Fest, I immediately agreed. After having such an amazing afternoon last year, I was eager to see what the chefs brought out this year. The goal again this year was to taste and photograph ALL of the rib offerings and try not to get sauce all over me. Once again it was a beautiful afternoon for this event, the streets were packed with people and the air was filled with sweet and smokey smell of BBQ.

Cambridge Street

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dali - Authentic Spanish Tapas

My mother-in-law came up for a visit over Labor Day and when we were deciding where to go for dinner, she requested Dali, an authentic Spanish restaurant in Cambridge. Nick and I were all-in as it had been quite some time since we had been to Dali and we were due for a return trip.

Small Pitcher of Cava Sangria

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Napa Valley with Visits to Cliff Lede and Behrens Family Winery

I was so excited to tell you all about our amazing lunch at Jordan Winery that I skipped ahead in our latest trip to California's wine country. Going back a bit, we actually left Boston at 7:30AM so that we were in San Francisco before noon on a Friday. After meeting our friends who were flying in from Chicago, we were off to Napa Valley for the first of many tastings. I still am so surprised that in only about an hour and a half from San Francisco, you can be tasting amazing wines in the middle of some beautiful surroundings.

We were so anxious to get started, I forgot my camera! source - Cliff Lede
Our first stop was Cliff Lede. Located in Yountville, the vineyard is surrounded completely by their own vines. I love when you can see where the grapes of the wine you are drinking are grown. Each vineyard is named for different classic rock songs - a love of the owner. Since it was so beautiful out, we got our first glasses in our tastings and went out on the beautiful patio to enjoy the sunshine and views of "Bohemian Rhapsody." This was a lovely first stop and really helped us settle into the wine tasting to come!

From Cliff Lede we headed towards St. Helena and climbed Spring Mountain Road, winding through the mountain until we found Behrens Family Winery. The winery is tucked back into the mountainside, which makes for spectacular views down into Napa Valley and across to Howell Mountain.

Views from Behrens Family Winery

Monday, October 7, 2013


This post has been a long time in the making! Journeyman is a small tasting menu-only restaurant in Somerville's Union Square (seriously, that neighborhood is blowing up!). The restaurant had been on our list for quite some time, but the menu set-up - a $75 tasting with an optional wine pairing for an additional $55 - made it a perfect indulgent birthday celebration location. If you are looking at this post and thinking about when food is freshest, you will notice that this meal is indeed from this past spring (whoops!). Journeyman changes their menu based on what is in season, making each dinner a new experience.

Oyster Amuse Bouche!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Lets Talk About Food Competition!

If there is one thing I LOVE to talk about it's food.  I mean, I started a blog so that Nick and the dogs didn't get too sick of me talking about food all the time! So when I was contacted by a group called Let's Talk About Food, I was hooked. The goal of Let's Talk About Food is to start a food revolution by simply talking about it. Since then, the group has become a citywide umbrella organization that presents educational events in partnership with all sorts of organizations and non-profits.

The Winning Dish! Officer Matt Brown's Ginger Glazed Salmon 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Harvest Lunch at Jordan Winery

If you follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram, you know that I recently spent some time in Napa and Sonoma Valleys. After an amazing trip to Napa Valley last year I was eager to go back, so when one of Nick's college friends suggested a trip with a third couple, we were all in. Something about this trip makes it so easy to relax. From the moment I land in San Francisco, I am able to just shut off work and enjoy - there is no winding down necessary.

Needless to say, I will have a bunch of posts coming in the next few weeks on the vineyards we visited. We decided to split up the trip so that each couple was responsible for one day of planning, including which vineyards to visit and where to eat - don't worry, there was a Google document so that there was no overlap! Since there were 6 of us, we rented a house in Glen Ellen, which was a fantastic way to spend a long weekend. That, and we spent evenings soaking in the hot tub and eating home cooked meals on the outdoor patio. While there will be no big restaurant reviews from this trip, we did have some fun lunches on Sonoma Square and at the Oxbow Public Market.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Tavern at the End of the World (or Charlestown)

Tucked away on the Charlestown/Somerville line is a classic Boston pub - Tavern at the End of the World. When I walked by initially I thought it was not necessarily an establishment that would welcome the presence of anyone who wasn't a "regular," but after accompanying friends there (at their suggestion) for a few drinks I was pleased to find a cozy atmosphere with an extensive the beer list and a menu filled with great options.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Bronwyn - Delicious German food in Somerville

Something is happening over in Somerville's Union Square - I find myself there more and more, enjoying great food! The latest adventure was Bronwyn, a restaurant with beers and food inspired by Germany. The brain child of chef Tim Weichmann (T.W. Food) and his wife Bronwyn (the namesake), the food and drink pulls from their own heritage and its surrounding regions. With a severe lack of this type of food in the city and hearing that they have a beer garden, I was ready to head over!

Pretzel the size of your head!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Southie Day - Sullivan's and Harpoon

We recently had some out-of-towners come for a visit. Lobster rolls were on their list of Boston things to try, so Nick brought them to Neptune Oyster their first day for lunch, but I thought a fun activity would be a trip to Sullivan's on Castle Island where we could grab lunch and tour around the island itself. This way, we made sure they got to try all sorts of New England classics (including more lobster rolls). Since I had never been, I was also excited to play tourist in my own city.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Pier 6 at the Navy Yard

When Nick and I were about to move to Charlestown, I was excited to have Tavern on the Water in our back yard.  However, that dream ended abruptly when the bar closed shortly before moving day. I know it had issues, but the views of Boston's waterfront are some of the best in the city. When I heard that Charles Larner of Mija Cantina decided to buy and gut the place, I couldn't have been happier. After watching the progress all summer, the space was finally transformed at the end of August into the new Pier 6.

Downstairs outdoor bar and upstairs dining area

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fresh Picked Blueberry Pie

When you go to Maine between the months of July and October (i.e., the first frost), blueberry picking is a must-do. When we were up in Maine recently, the weather was topping out at 75 degrees - not exactly swimming weather. When we set out blueberry picking at Crabtree Blueberry Picking, we each grabbed a large pail and set off into their blueberry patch that had about 10 different types of blueberries!  

Blueberry Farm

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A week on Sebago Cove in Naples Maine

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that Nick and I spent a week up in Maine enjoying some time away from the city with the pups.  Using VRBO we found a small cottage on Sebago Cove, which is on the north side of Sebago Lake in Naples Maine.  The house was pet friendly and right on the lake - just about our only requirements.  The week away was just perfect.  The time flew by and its hard to believe its already been a couple of weeks since we were there!  Here are some pictures from our time away...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Deep-Fried Bluefish

After fishing in Boston Harbor for Nick's birthday, we first took a stab at cooking up the striped bass but still had some bluefish to play with.  Bluefish is a more oily fish, is definitely more "fishy" tasting and traditionally harder to work with.  Captain Scott told us we cold easily fry these up, so I figured I would give it a go and searched around the internet for some recipes.

Fish-Fry At Home

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fresh Striped Bass on the Grill

When you spend the day fishing in the Boston Harbor and you come back with loads of fresh striped bass, you better hope you like fish! Luckily, Captain Scott was able to give us a couple of ideas on how to prepare the fish. Turns out, with a great starting ingredient it's pretty easy.

Ready for the grill

Monday, August 19, 2013

Fishing in Boston Harbor

For Nick's birthday this year I actually got my act together and planned a day fishing trip out of Boston Harbor.  Honestly, the reason it took a couple of years to get around to it was that finding a good, convenient boat proved to be more difficult than I originally thought.  Finally I reached out to some friends on the North Shore thinking they would know of places up there, and one good friend actually recommended a boat out of Constitution Wharf in Charlestown - PERFECT.

Nick's Fishing!
Fishing Frenzy is owned by Captain Scott, who has a day job but during the summer takes groups out on fishing trips.  The whole atmosphere was totally relaxed; the only rule was there were no rules. Scott and his first mate, Brian, were super helpful and eager to please. Rather than spending the time trolling, their eyes were on the water, watching the birds and looking for splashes. We were constantly moving around in search of the fish. Once settled, the two of them were casting and the minute a fish was hooked, they let us have the fun and reel it in.  Nick actually cast and caught his own fish!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Maine - The Way Life Should Be

Nick and I are taking a much needed vacation this week!  We are renting a cottage until Saturday and planning on spending our time hanging out on the dock in the sunshine enjoying some time away.

With views like this I think we will be very happy here :) What's even better, the pups get to hang out with us.  More photos to come - follow me on Instagram (see right hand column for link) for updates!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Navy Yard Bistro - Seaside Dining in Charlestown

Over the last eight months, Nick and I have been slowly exploring all that Charlestown has to offer. One of the places we were most looking forward to visiting was Navy Yard Bistro. As the name indicates, the restaurant is located right in the middle of the Navy Yard, but if you weren't watching out for the blue awnings, you might walk right by it! Word around town was they were super dog friendly, and given that Arthur is a bit challenging to leave behind, the three of us walked over on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Naumkeag Ordinary - a Trip to Salem, Massachusetts

When you see friends' dreams come true, it is always something exciting.  This is definitely the case when it comes to Naumkeag Ordinary. After working as the GM at CoDa for a number of years, our friend Matt Brady and chef Dan Bitler took their culinary skills to Salem to open their own restaurant, which as most of you know is no easy task!  After a couple of months renovating the space of a former Polish restaurant, Matt and Dan opened Naumkeag Ordinary, which specializes in local cuisine and seasonal influences.  The bar has a rotation of beers on tap that can change daily depending on what the locals favor.  One beer was gone within the day after word got out that Naumkeag had it on tap!

Deviled Eggs
To give some context behind the restaurant's name: "Naumkeag" is the name of the native American tribe that originally lived in Salem and the name that was originally used for the town, and an "Ordinary" is a colonial term for a tavern.  The name harkens back to the history that Salem is so famous for (when you're there, you can see some cool historical photographs, including those of a baseball team with "Naumkeag" across their uniforms!)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Homemade Ricotta - Deliciously Easy

For some reason, not having anything to do with the amazing ricotta from Cinquecento, Nick really wanted to whip up some homemade ricotta. Its one of those things you have seen done a bunch on TV and seems like no big deal, but actually deciding to do it requires a little more inspiration. Finally, when faced with bringing an appetizer to a family get-together, Nick decided this was the time to give it a go. Using his favorite Ina Garten's recipe as a guide, he set to work. Not to give away the ending, but if you don't try making your own ricotta ASAP, you are missing out!


Thursday, July 25, 2013


When the Aquitaine Group said they were opening a new restaurant in the South End I was excited, having had good experiences at their other establishments, like Union Bar and Grille.  When I found out that Cinquecento was going to be an Italian restaurant, I was curious to see what it was all about. After giving them some time to sort out the kinks, Nick and I headed over to check out the new space. With an impressive brick entryway that leads to the front door, I walked up the stairs where I was greeted by the hostess. I beat Nick there, so I decided to grab our table and look over the menu. When Nick arrived, we decided on a couple of cocktails.

Gregorio - Lanazul Tequila, Blood Orange and Kaffir Lime
Rhubarbella - Rhubarb, Vodka, Fresh Lime and house made Verbeena Cordial

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Divergent Trilogy- new guilty pleasure

With books, I am not afraid to indulge in a little YA guilty pleasure reading.  After loving Hunger Games, I was looking forward to finding something as much fun as that series.  When Entertainment Weekly started covering a new series and talking about a movie, I debated on whether or not I wanted to go down that rabbit hole.  When I saw the kindle price was around $5, I saw no reason not read at least the first one and see how it went.

Source -
36 hours later I completed the first book and was downloading the second book.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Portland Maine Brewery Day!

When we were heading to Portland, we knew we wanted to check out some of the local brews!  After our tasty treats from Standard Baking Company it was time to hit up some breweries.  Our first stop was Shipyard Brewing Company, the biggest of the breweries we were visiting.

Nick ready to taste!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dining in Portland Maine - Where to Begin?

When you head to Portland, I think there are two main things you go for: to eat and to drink.  In our short weekend away, we did plenty of both!  After waking up on Saturday morning we were in search of some breakfast from a non-chain establishment.  A quick check-in with the friendly hotel staff put us on the road for The Standard Baking Co.

I have to admit I didn't realize we did not get any food shots here (we were too busy devouring what we ordered)!  However, you must believe it's delicious.  When you walk in you are just surrounded by pastries and breads of all sorts.  If you can see past those (though tough to take your eyes away) you see all the people working furiously to keep the piles of delicious treats high.  There were enough locals grabbing some breakfast that I knew the taste would match the presentation.  On Sunday morning we actually went back to Standard because I really wanted a copy of their cookbook and treats for the ride home.  Now armed with their recipes, I will have to report back soon.  However, in Portland, this is a great breakfast spot with some outdoor seating just across the street from some water views.

Standard Baking Co on Urbanspoon

For a late lunch Nick and I went to Duckfat.  This was a place we had heard about every time we mentioned heading to Portland, and after reading a bunch of reviews, there was no way we could not go!  We knew there would be a wait so we headed over around 2:30 and were sat by 3.  Do not be scared off by the wait - make this place a priority!  We could not make up our minds when looking over the menu so just decided to go for a few things...

Brussel Sprout Salad

Monday, July 15, 2013

Scenes from Portland - How to Get There and Where to Stay

Back in March, the same weekend as that random Friday snow storm (yes that long ago!), Nick and I decided to get out of the city for a weekend.  Since we don't have a car, we can't generally just pick up and go.  However, after walking by the signs for the Amtrak Downeaster in the T station day after day, we decided to look into the train to Portland.  Turns out its pretty simple and way cheaper than renting a car!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Blue Dragon - the amazing Ming Tsai comes to Boston

Based on the my most recent post and this one, it may seem like I go out to lunch a lot, but I am really just backed up on blogging!  My co-worker and I have birthdays only days apart, so we jointly thought it would be a great idea to celebrate with an outing to Blue Dragon - working with a bunch of foodies has its perks.  Ever since Ming Tsai opened his second restaurant in Boston, I could not wait to go.  Located in the Seaport District the space is a bit industrial with an Asian decor flair.

Dragon Burger

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Matt Murphy's Lamb Burger!

I work over in the Brookline Village area, which is a cute little area with a couple of yummy spots.  One of the places I would like to spend more time is Matt Murphy's, an authentic Irish pub with an extensive beer list.  Since I am mostly there during the work day, I don't get to test out their beer list much, but the food is worth the trip itself!  When a new colleague recently joined our department, we welcomed her to the neighborhood with a lunch trip to Matt Murphy's.

After looking over the menu, I could not resist the lamb burger - I mean, my two favorite things in one dish!  The meat is a top round lamb sirloin burger with feta, red onion jam and minted yogurt.

Perfectly Cooked Lamb Burger

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hungry Mother

When I think of Southern Food in Boston, my mind immediately goes to Tupelo and m3 among others.  These places have some of the most delicious, down-home southern food.  However, another southern standout here in New England has to be Hungry Mother.  Found just a couple of blocks off of the One Kendall complex in a lovely little house, Hungry Mother offers up delicious southern cuisine in a slightly more upscale environment.  With its intimate dining rooms and windows looking out onto trees and flowers, you feel as though you are sitting down to a meal in a friend's house.  Last fall, at East Cambridge's Rib Fest, I won a gift certificate at a booth to Hungry Mother and we figured it was about time to put it to good use.

When we sat down our server quickly told us the specials for the evening, and without question we had to order the shrimp and grits.  This dish, when available, sells out quickly, and it is easy to see why.  Nick and I split this appetizer, but could have had a little fork fight over the last couple of bites.  Between the perfectly cooked grits, the expertly seasoned shrimp and the cornbread croutons, I was ready to lick the plate clean.

Shrimp and Grits

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Puritan and Company - Farm to Table in Inman Square

It would be an understatement to say people were excited when word got out that Will Gilson of Garden at the Cellar-fame was opening a new restaurant called Puritan & Company in Inman Square.  With Gilson's farm-to-table experience, you knew the menu was going to be creative food sourced locally.  I must say, this post has been a long time coming (it has been sitting in draft form for a couple of months) which is why the food is a bit out of season!  Nick and I met a friend there on a weekday night, and thank goodness we had reservations because the place was packed.

Wine and Beer

Monday, April 29, 2013

Shake Shack - New York Burgers in the 'Burbs

Shake Shack is a burger joint that conjures up delicious memories for many people.  Found originally in New York, tourists and city dwellers alike flocked to its various locations to indulge in the burgers and shakes.  When rumors started to spread that Shake Shack was moving to the Boston area people got excited.  When the rumors were confirmed and the doors of the Chestnut Hill location opened, there were lines of people willing to wait over an hour to taste what Shake Shack had to offer.

Single Shake Shack Burger

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Antelope Island - Wilderness in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, as the name implies, is right next to the Great Salt Lake, an odd lake in that it is filled with salt water.  Along the north side of the lake is Antelope_Island, a small National Park that is only accessible by a causeway and is home to herds of bison, antelope and coyotes.  When we got there I thought the only bison I would see would be the plastic one in the photo below - how wrong I was!  The ground was completely snow covered and a similar color to the snow and the rocks, making it a bit difficult to spot the animals, but we found them.  I will say, our friend Noah had a telescopic lens and his photos are light years better, but for now you are stuck with mine!

Welcome to Antelope Island

Monday, April 22, 2013

Temple Square, Salt Lake City

Switching gears a bit, we are heading back to when the ground was covered in snow and Nick and I were visiting Salt Lake!  After spending two great days skiing Solitude and Snowbird we decided to explore the sites around Salt Lake.  The center of the city is dominated by Temple Square, an area owned by the Mormon Church that houses the impressive Salt Lake Temple.  While non-mormons are not allowed in some of the buildings, we were more than welcome to tour the beautiful park.  It was cold (freezing, in fact!) so it was a quick visit, but we were able to take in the beautiful architecture and snap some great photos (of course!).

Monday, April 15, 2013

Union Square Donuts - YES, They Are That Good!

News of Union Square Donuts at first was quiet, but it spread quickly.  The tales of their donuts traveled quickly, and soon people were waking up early on weekends to ensure they would be able to taste the fabled maple bacon donut.  I am not usually one to seek out donuts, but after reading so many rave reviews I knew I could not hold out any longer.  So before our trip north to Crane Beach, we decided to stop by and see what Union Square Donuts was all about.  The verdict - amazing!

Maple Bacon Donut - enough said
The first thing you should know: these donuts are not your typical cake donuts - rather they are the yeast type, which are way better (in my humble opinion).  I walked into the small storefront on Somerville Avenue and contemplated the 6 varieties.  Rather than having to choose, I just got one of each - WAY easier!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pho Pasteur - Vietnamese Pho

After seeing a movie over on Tremont Street downtown, Nick and I were looking for a quick bite to eat.  Since we regularly go to jm Curley after a movie, we decided to expand our horizons and try our luck in Chinatown (and something beyond Gourmet Dumpling House, even though it's delicious!)  After wandering around a bit we happened upon Pho Pasteur, a traditional Vietnamese restaurant that we had heard about a few times before.  This seemed like the perfect time to give it a shot.

Pho Pasteur
Even though it was 10PM the place was busy, but we were sat straight away and started to review the lengthy menu.  To begin we ordered some fresh chicken spring rolls with lettuce, basil and vermicelli served with a peanut hoisin sauce.   These were so light tasting, and the hoisin sauce was so much better than I have had in ages - I definitely need to learn how to make this, since store bought just isn't this good!