Friday, September 27, 2013

Bronwyn - Delicious German food in Somerville

Something is happening over in Somerville's Union Square - I find myself there more and more, enjoying great food! The latest adventure was Bronwyn, a restaurant with beers and food inspired by Germany. The brain child of chef Tim Weichmann (T.W. Food) and his wife Bronwyn (the namesake), the food and drink pulls from their own heritage and its surrounding regions. With a severe lack of this type of food in the city and hearing that they have a beer garden, I was ready to head over!

Pretzel the size of your head!

Upon entering you feel like you are taken to a different country, with the exposed beams, rustic light fixtures and Medieval-looking table and chairs. Since it was a beautiful night, the four of us decided to grab a seat at the bar to wait for a table outside. The beer list at Bronwyn is impressive to say the least. With a large mix of Eastern European beers and a bit of the American craft beers, there is definitely something for everyone. To complete the drinking experience, Bronwyn has a glass to match each beer. I, of course, got a beer that required an impressive chalice!

While waiting for a table, we decided to order some pretzels. I was imagining something along the lines of you get at a sports game - how wrong I was! These were literally the size of my head! The pretzel was served warm and had a deep brown crusty outside and a soft inside. The horseradish mustard dipping sauce was the perfect saucy side.

Inside Bronwyn
My Chalice
After a half hour, the hostess led us outside to the cozy beer garden with some communal tables. Well decorated with strung up lights and some flower boxes, it was an inviting space.  

Beer Garden
The menu is broken up into the baked goods, house made wurst, starters and mains. Certain items are recognizable to those of us not familiar with traditional German faire, while others are definitely more authentic and less well known. Regardless, familiar or not, there are inspired twists on each item - this is not your grandmother's food. Our group got a good sampling of the foods. With the smoker for the wursts right behind us, we knew we had to sample them.  The starter list was inventive and had a great mix of flavors and ingredients. I really struggled to move beyond that listing and got sucked in. Others in our group went the more traditional route with spatzel and schnitzel.

Grilled Peach Salad
Ok - I was a bad blogger and don't have a copy of the menu from the night-of, so I don't remember the exact make-up of the dishes, and Bronwyn's creativity requires them to change the menu often! However, all the dishes were delicious. The unique flavor combinations in the traditional Eastern European food makes for a fun dinner.

With fall here, there is only limited beer garden time left, but with the fun and warm decor inside, winter at Bronwyn is promising. Even if you are only looking for a couple of beers and a light bite, the bar is a perfect spot to enjoy.

Are you familiar with German Food? What are your favorite items?

Bronwyn on Urbanspoon


  1. Another fantastic review of a place I'm really eager to try. So eager, in fact, I may lay aside my ban on driving and actually get into the car to drive out there. Really too bad that Union Square isn't accessible but this just sounds good.

  2. Glad you liked Bronwyn as much as I did!

  3. I'm sad that I didn't make it to Bronwyn before I left Somerville but I'm so happy this great spot opened up in Union Square!

  4. I do like German food and don't get to eat it often enough! I love all kinds of sausages and schnitzel. I'll have to make my way to Bronwun soon!

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  7. I definitely need to get over there! I miss German food -- ever since our trip this past May. Love spaetzel and schnitzel and the butter pretzels!

  8. I love this spot! I've only been there once so far, but thoroughly enjoyed the beer garden.

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