Monday, November 24, 2014

Hosting Thanksgiving? NBD.

Nick and I are hosting Thanksgiving again this year and feel like we have things pretty well under control. Last year was our first year hosting, and we ended up doing a lot of research and planning to make sure things went smoothly. We kept things pretty simple and found this timeline from William-Sonoma super helpful in tackling not only Thanksgiving day, but also the days before. Luckily, most things that I set out to do in this blog post worked out, so we were happy to host again this year. That, and our guests actually agreed to come back!

Our Turkey!
We grocery shopped for everything on Sunday morning. The bread for our stuffing is currently sitting on our counter getting nice and stale. Our heritage turkey will be ready for pick-up on Wednesday. The rest of of the afternoon we will prep more of the food, set the table completely, and get the serving dishes out and label them (naturally!).

So while we are having some stuffing (my favorite!), the homemade bread below, mashed potatoes with some yummy herbed Kerry Gold butter, Herricot Verts with chestnuts and date vinagrette, butternut squash and some applesauce, here are some other recipe ideas if you need a little inspiration for Thursday or any other day this year!

Pumpkin Seed Brittle
Apple Sauce
Honey Yeast Rolls

Homemade Bread

Apple Pie
We have an apple pie in our freezer made with the apples we picked this fall ready to go for dessert. The trick with those is to bake it straight out of the freezer, otherwise you end up with a mushy mess!

Whether you are just showing up, bringing a dish,or hosting the whole deal, I hope you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


  1. Hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving too! And hope hosting goes smoothly. Sounds like you are on top of things!

  2. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I love making dinner for everyone.

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