Thursday, March 21, 2013

Swordfish Dinner

Recently Nick and I have been buying the frozen filets or "steak" cuts of fish at the market that we can easily keep in the freezer until the spirit moves us.  Fish is always such a great protein option, especially when we get stuck in our chicken rut that so easily can happen.  I will be the first to say I have not gotten very adventurous with fish yet.  Maybe that will be one of my goals this summer, since fish to me is warmer weather food!

Swordfish Dinner
My mom always used to make a delicious, quick swordfish dinner.  The first time I went to buy some fish at Deluca's (so, obviously, this is going WAY back), when I mentioned using mayo the deli guy did not understand.  After a two minute phone call with my mom to make sure I was not making things up, she explained her swordfish making method.  Beware, it may look or sound weird, but its good!

This really is simple.  I sprinkled some salt and pepper over the fish and then slathered on some low fat mayo.  The mayo works to help keep the fish nice and moist no matter what.  This coming from someone who HATES mayo.  So really you cannot taste it at all on the finished product.

Prepped Fish
I popped the fish onto a heated pan and let it cook about half way.  I added a bit more mayo to the other side while the first one was cooking.

Cooking Away...
I served this fish with a variety of roasted veggies we had on hand: brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes and red onion.

Totally weird I know, but I promise this is an easy and surefire way to cook up some fish.  Even if you are uncomfortable with cooking fish, this is an easy way to dip your toe in the fish pool at home.

Do you cook fish at home?  Any tips?


  1. I haven't thought about Miracle Whip in years - but can definitely see this method working! I usually just drizzle with olive oil and either bake or pan sear fish... or bread and bake. You learn something new every day!

  2. Very interesting. I've never heard of cooking fish with mayo but most people use tartar sauce so the pairing isn't too strange. Jeff's mom has a recipe that involves soaking the fish in milk before breading it and cooking it. It looks really good! I'm not too adventurous with fish either, but I'm working on it. I would love to get better at grilling it.

  3. I had no idea about the mayo trick! but i like cooking fish in a little panko or seasoned breadcrumb coating.

  4. I love slathering on mayo on top of baked salmon. Haven't tried it with swordfish yet though. Yum!

  5. crazy trick, but that's totally cool. i leave cooking fish to the boyfriend :)

  6. Interesting idea. My mom used to make chicken breasts that she spread with mayo, topped with breadcrumbs, and then baked. Like this, you couldn't really taste the mayo and it was always so moist and delicious!
