Friday, August 24, 2012

West Bridge

Who knew that Kendall Square in Cambridge would fast become one of the go-to neighborhoods for "it" dining destinations?  Since West Bridge opened only a few months ago, it has only added to Kendall's prestige.  The restaurant is the brain child of chef Matthew Gaudet (of Aquitaine fame) and Alexis Gelburd-Kimler, who wanted to connect sophisticated French and classic comfort foods.  When our friends Gillian and Jonah asked about West Bridge, I was overly enthusiastic about setting up a dinner because of all the amazing reviews I had read.  

Upon entering you are welcomed by a light and open space, made warmed by the bleached wood floors and other accents.  While chatting and catching up, our server brought over a little amuse bouche drink: a combination of melon and cucumber.  A fanciful addition to this drink was that the little balls in the drink were actually cucumber, making for a surprise bite in your mouth.  

Amuse Bouche!
The group chose a wide variety of of dishes off the menu.  For appetizers, I went with the mussels and Gillian and Jonah got the Calamari "Tonerelli"whelks, cockles and sweet 100's.  Both of these shellfish dishes were amazing.  The broths with each of these were crazy delicious - so tasty and different than anything I had had recently.  I was sure to save some of the bread brought to the table because I wanted to make sure I did not leave any of the broth behind!  These mussels were some of the best I have had.

In sticking with the shellfish but from a different angle, Nick had the Sunchoke Chowder with Wellfleet clams and pork shoulder.  This was another amazing dish, something creative that maximized the flavors of the ingredients in the chowder.

Sunchoke Chowder
For the main course, I could not resist ordering the Egg in a Jar - everyone seemed to be talking about.  I was totally on board just by the cute little jar it comes in, but then when you see it the layered combination of a duck egg, hen of the woods, pomme puree and crispy chicken skin it's too intriguing not to order.  The duck egg was cooked perfectly and when I broke the yolk it spilled out, adding another delicious layer to the jar.  Each spoonful was a different combination of textures and yumminess.  I can safely say this dish is worth the hype!

The Jar
The Egg in the Jar!
Nick went with a halibut dish that arrive on a beautiful plate with lovely colors and accompaniments.  The fish was cooked perfectly and the flavors with the beans all came together.

Jonah and Gillian had a dish meant for sharing: the Lamb Shoulder with an eggplant fig puree and goat cheese.  When the plates arrived, this meal could have fed a family of 4!  So much delicious looking lamb, which was cooked to a pink medium.  While some was a bit gristley, that is to be expected with this large cut of meat.  The lamb was only highlighted by the puree and goat cheese, which were amazing in their own right.  Such a well cooked dish only made better by the fun accompaniments.

Puree and Cheese
From start to finish I was impressed with West Bridge.  Their menu is creative and different from anything else in the city.  Even better that inventiveness of the menu works on the plate when it is put before you, which sometimes is not the case!  I had high expectations going into the evening and West Bridge surpassed them all.  I am looking forward to a return trip.

West Bridge on Urbanspoon


  1. I absolutely love it there. That calamari might be one of my favorite dishes ever! Going there for lunch today... and you are welcome to come if you can get away!

  2. Isn't West Bridge the best? I haven't tried the lamb but that should probably be my next entree choice. (And I'm going with Megan to lunch today - join i=us if you're free :) )

  3. Isn't that calamari amazing?! I've yet to try the egg, but will have to at our next visit. And so great to hear how large the lamb portion is! It looks incredible.

  4. I have yet to try out West Bridge and their dishes look delicious. I must get there soon! The egg in the jar sounds right up my alley - breaking the egg in a dish makes it fun & tasty. Bonus that it's served in a jar, how cool!

  5. I really need to go here - the food looks spectacular!

  6. I'm in love with West Bridge, and I absolutely need to try that chowder and the mussels next time I go!

  7. I love the sides that came with the lamb. WB is so great!
