Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Private Villa Dinner Oceanside in the Maldives

Views to Start the Evening
While enjoying the diving and night fishing in the Maldives, we still were able to spend plenty of downtime in the sunshine.  Just in case we were not having enough relaxation time, the Banyan Tree took the extra steps to ensure that we would on a evening where they set up a private dining experience on our deck overlooking the ocean.  Between the sunset and hearing the waves lightly crash against the beach, it is truly hard to imagine a more perfect night.  Add to that delicious food cooked sea-side and it really may have been the most perfect evening!

Full "White" Cloth Candle Lit Table Setting
Due to our long stay at the resort, they provided us with a couple of bottles of wine that we saved for this in-villa dining (there was plenty of other drinks at meals in the dining area).

Toasting the evening
Could the view get any better?
Cook Top for the Evening
In addition to our chef, we also had our own personal server who kept us fully entertained for the evening while still providing enough space for us to enjoy the view and food.  To begin we were brought the rolls and the bread sticks that accompanied our other dinners, along with some soft butter, balsamic vinegar and hummus.

Bread and Butter, but a million times better
Our first dish was a fresh salad topped with grilled shrimp, all of which was lightly covered in a shallot-based salad dressing.  The salad was fresh and crisp, and the freshly-grilled shrimp had a nice char to it.

Salad Course
For the main course we had a mixed grill consisting of chicken, lamb chops and steak, accompanied by freshly grilled corn and a baked potato.  There was more than enough food on the plate - Nick and I could have split one serving!  As with all of the food at the Banyan Tree the food was cooked perfectly and was super tasty.

Main Course
Our server was kind enough to take a nice photo of us (and, coincidentally, some of the only photographs that Nick and I have of us together!)

Enjoying Wine and Dinner
To top the amazing meal off we enjoyed some custard and fresh fruit.  The fruit throughout the entire trip was incredible and much fresher than we are used to here in the Boston area.

Sad face - all the wine is gone :(
The dinner lasted for quite sometime - long enough to watch the sunset but also to enjoy the moonlit night.  Turns out the moon is difficult to photograph but I finally got a good one, complete with a boat!

Moonlit Night
Really this was one the best evenings we had during out vacation.  The food at the resort earned every one of the five stars with each meal.  This dinner was extra special because we were able to have it ocean-side together on our private deck.  We played a little music in the background and out night was complete.  Just another reason why the Banyan Tree was amazing.  


  1. Wow! Would love to be there right about now! Beats the Canadian cold ;)

  2. This looks like the evening of a lifetime! I am so glad you had such a great trip!

  3. What an incredible experience!! Really gorgeous views.

  4. Beautiful pictures! And what a great dining experience! The shrimp looks delicious!

  5. I can hardly believe places like this exist. What an amazing honeymoon you guys had!

  6. Oh my gosh can you get any more romantic/completely awesome?!

  7. Great post! It was nice reading it. Food looks yummy here. Keep posting.

    Extended stay nyc
