Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The same week we got our crazy ground cherries, we also got something a bit more traditional: tomatillos.  We took the obvious approach and decided on making a tomatillo sauce (salsa verde) as part of a little taco bar for dinner.  Lucky for me, Nick decided to take this on!  Turning to Google for some inspiration and a way to deal with the crazy husk and other surprises, Nick found a good starting recipe, whipping up some salsa verde.

To begin, Nick peeled off the husk of the fruit.  They leave a sticky residue, which definitely does not add any flavor and feels kind of gross.

Peeled Tomatillos
Nick gave them a rinse, put them in a pot with some water and brought them to a boil, letting them then simmer for 5 minutes.

Boiling away...
While the fruit was boiling away, Nick cut up some cilantro, garlic, jalapeno and onions.

(So good about pictures!)
From here, he just added all the ingredients to the blender, along with some freshly squeezed lime juice, hit the start button and let it go.

Getting blended
Once it was all combined, he poured it out into a bowl ready for the serving to an awaiting crowd - ME!

Tomatillo Sauce
The sauce was accompanied by some roasted chipolte chicken and some grated oaxaca cheese for a real authentic feel!  While all the ingredients are simple, these all had loads of flavor and combined really well in a corn tortilla.

Dinner is Served!
The tomatillo sauce really was delicious and had so much flavor!  The spread was perfect for a great weekday meal.  Once again, Nick totally spoiled me with a great dinner :)


  1. This looks great - I love making homemade salsa. It's surprisingly simple, but the results make such a difference!

  2. You guys are so creative. I would have looked at them and figured out some way to use them as decorations. Ha ha.

  3. Tomatillo salsa is my FAVORITE! I love the fact that you boiled them-I always roast and had never considered boiling! Love it!
