Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Party Time

Or should I say Holiday Party Time!  It started this past Saturday night, Nick and I went to his boss's Christmas party in Sudbury, we had to rent a zipcar to even get there!  It my my first time meeting his boss so I was a bit nervous, but thought I put together a pretty good outfit and decided to show of my new shoes...
REALLY Cute Shoes

Come to find out when we arrive at the party though, they are a shoeless house hold due to their soft pine floors!  I was so sad I could not show off my shoes!  Instead, they sat in a shelf in the foyer, very sad...

On Tuesday, I had a Junior League meeting that covered fund raising and the Junior League Ball, but turned into a fun holiday get together.  Some of our committee members stayed and were enjoying wine and treats, just chatting the evening away! 
February 12, 2011 at the Fairmont Copley Plaza, all are welcome and it should be lots of fun...See the Junior League website for more information

Originally, I thought I would definitely be home early as the meeting started right after work, but instead I did not leave until almost 9, and was a little tipsy after only having some cookies and cheese and crackers, but was somehow able to continue to refill my wine glass:) 

Last night my neighbors, as in we share a wall neighbors, had their holiday party.  They always go above and beyond with the preparations enough food and drink for 3 times the number of guests.  She is from NOLA and just is the embodiment of the warm southern personality that will go above and beyond for everyone.  Their apartment has the same high ceilings we do, but they know how to show them off!  We hung up a wreath in the window and it just gets lost...Once again, the party was filled with lots of chatting, making time for the sips of wine and not so much food, I did not get any of my holiday tasks accomplished that evening!  But, it is always fun to talk to new people and connect with those you haven't seen in awhile, as in over a year.

Tonight is Nick's work's Christmas party, which is just held in their offices in the Seaport district...which will be nice to see where he goes each day and meet some colleagues, but afterward we are going to Sportello, which I am SUPER excited about.  Firstly because I have not had any dinner in the past two days, but also, I have never been there before and have heard all sorts of amazing things.  I mean, it is Barbara Lynch, how can you go wrong.  Also, because we are in her domain while over there...we may have to go grab a concoction from the bartenders at Drink.  Who knows what they will come up with...but it will be good and hopefully help me brave the cold over there!

Next it will be onto planning our own Holiday party...
While this is not Holly, it sure looked close enough!

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