Friday, December 20, 2013

A Long Walk Through Washington, DC

Early in November Nick and I went down to DC for a college friend's wedding, and since we don't get down there much we decided to make a long weekend of it. Since Nick went to school down there it was a bit of a homecoming for him, and for me, I got to do all the touristy things that DC has to offer. I had only been to DC twice before (once was in 6th grade) so I had a lot of catching up to do. I had an ambitious schedule planned and most of it depended on sunny weather, so needless to say I was disappointed when we woke up to pouring rain. Luckily, we did a little rescheduling, and the day turned out perfectly.

Outside the Newseum

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Littorai - Biodynamic Grape Farming

After a great morning at Scribe, we went west to Littorai, which is located in the coastal region of Sonoma Valley. Tucked away from the majority of other vineyards, it is a beautiful drive over to Littorai.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Commonwealth Cambridge - Nookie Postal's New Digs

This has been a pretty big year for chef Nookie Postal. Between Around the World in 80 Plates and opening two new restaurants in Cambridge, he has been a busy guy! Nick and I wanted to see a movie that was showing in Kendall Square, so while thinking about where to eat over there Nick noticed that Commonwealth had recently opened and made a reservation immediately. To be honest, other than knowing it was opening, I didn't know much else about Commonwealth. Color me shocked when we walked in and there was a bit of a fresh market and counter service in front! The restaurant aims to showcase local and seasonal food both in the traditional dining sense as well as a market.

Note about the photos - they are with my iPhone because I didn't have my camera, sorry they are sort of terrible
The amazing buttery pull-apart bread; this is worth the trip alone!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Scribe - Swinging in Sonoma (not THAT kind of swinging!)

Switching gears a bit, we are heading back to September when Nick and I were in California Wine Country. After a great first afternoon it was time to settle into the house we rented through Home Away, have some dinner, enjoy catching up with the two other couples we were traveling with and get ready for the rest of the vacation. A few months beforehand when planning for the trip we decided that each couple would be responsible for planning all the parts of an entire day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the wineries in between. This way our friends, who were members of various wine clubs in the area, could make sure to hit up their favorite spots as well as other places on their lists without us all tripping over each other in the planning process. Don't worry, we had a shared Google document to update each other on the plans so there was no overlap - I know you were concerned!

What's not to love about a swing!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Burger at the Abbey in Brookline

Working over in Brookline Village, I get to experience restaurants with my coworkers that Nick and I might not otherwise try. Recently we went to a Washington Square favorite - The Abbey. With a pub-like atmosphere and a diverse menu, its easy to see why this is a neighborhood go-to.

The Burger

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Turkey

When we decided to host Thanksgiving this year, we knew we would have to cook a turkey. Maybe because of its shear size or the fact it is the centerpiece of the holiday meal, the turkey can be an intimidating thing to cook! Growing up, my family used to pass an external turkey roaster around between the three families that hosted Thanksgiving, and while it may have been from 1950 and looked as though it could have easily started a fire at any moment, the turkey always came out well! While we do not have this same roaster today, in order to keep our small oven open for other dishes, Nick and I ordered a roaster online.

Stuffed Turkey!